A few times a year I collaborate with Kunterbunt, a travel agency for people who have mental and/or physical disabilities.

Situated in southern Germany, the organisation offers around 60 trips a year of with different activities and destinations all while strongly focusing on a respectful and easy approach towards the individual. Based on this philosophy, the travellers are allowed to find themselves in the very rare occasion where usual structures, borders and roles defining their everyday life no longer exist. Whether deliberately or not, for a while they can experience a freedom and room for self-expression that every person is deeply longing for.

Being on the road and documenting their time is a unique opportunity to gain insight into a world unknown to most of us. It is easy to fill a book with the countless experiences of every trip but what remains so special for me is the real honesty I’m confronted with. So refreshingly different from ‘our’ life these travellers don’t, or better - mostly don’t wear masks, they simply are themselves. Their inner child can be very inspiring and remind us of our own.